Who I Am

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I grew up in the land of 10,000 lakes, loons calling to one another, pine trees, snowy, snowy winters, and smoke curling out of the chimney. Each year the winter landscape turned into a whitened world. I remember how stillness settled on the earth and a quietness companioned the snow, ushering in a reverent, hushed silence. People stayed inside to keep warm. There were no cars on the roads. Within the magic of the snow, silence became my first spiritual teacher. Silence is my wise and faithful teacher about Love, myself, and the world.

Each year the earth awakened from the hibernation of winter as the landscape transformed from white into a lush green. Summer days were filled with waterskiing, rope swings, campfires and watermelon. As people came out of their homes, I remember how joy, celebration and community shaped the days with a spacious and wide satisfaction that ushered in a holy joy.

Within the magic of the open and free days of summer, joy became my second spiritual teacher. Joy has taught me about overflowing abundance and spaciousness.

My parents and faith community were a pathway into a relationship with Love and not a hurdle. Spirituality, faith and a relationship with the Holy have been the foundation of my home.

Caring for others is written into my bones and has shaped my life. My first career was that of an RN. My second career, a stay-at-home mom for my three children. As my children began to leave the home and move out into their own, I embarked upon my third career: Spiritual Companion, Guide, and Director.


I am shaped by a contemplative stance and a deep belief, and I value coming alongside and companioning people in their journey through life. I take a creative and imaginative approach, all the while championing their work in the world, be it family, friends, or those I work with. 

Being a contemplative woman informs the posture I take as I move through and into the world. It is the way I live  and have my being. For me, contemplation is a consistent, rhythmic, and embodied approach to living. It incorporates an open and spacious listening and a discernment of the landscape of my life.. Being a contemplative affords generous hospitality to self and others, as well as genuine curiosity for all of life. Being a contemplative is grounded, rooted, and shaped by the goodness and generosity of Divine Love. Being a contemplative woman also means taking a subversive approach to life, as it undercuts and refuses to give way to the natural individualism and narcissism that pervades society.

Being a companion, I come alongside and host a safe space for you to notice, name, and reclaim your life. I place high value on being a safe person and creating a safe and sacred space to explore and connect with the Holy’s movement and activity in your life. Together we explore faith, life, and relationships.

I take a creative and imaginative posture,, which opens up possibilities and potentials previously not noticed, re-imagining what is. 

As a champion-erof others I highlight and showcase the voice and work of others wherever my influence and sway might reach.

Other things you will discover about me:

  • I love all things books and words, images and metaphors of all kinds.

  • I am considered a good cook and baker and I rarely use a recipe.

  • I am the adventurous sort. Travel is in my blood. I am confident at negotiating my way through airports, getting an Uber, and sleeping in hotels. I have been all over the world with Turkey and Croatia next on my list. I left part of my heart in Ethiopia in the land and with the people; I consider Ethiopia, my second home.

  • I love trees and birds, stars and moon, sun and wind, silence and solitude. I am a most happy in the sunshine and the heat.